Mother and child health 

Femme et Maman Afghane heureuse avec son bébé

Working together for better access to health 

Providing health and nutrition advice to the young mother Balguissa in Burkina Faso during pregnancy and after childbirth. Giving midwives the resources they need to save newborn babies in Mali and Bangladesh. Training health workers in West Africa and Asia in using digital tools to improve pregnancy monitoring and the quality of diagnoses and treatment pathways...  

These are just some facets of what Terre des hommes’ teams achieve in the field each and every day in some of the world’s poorest and most remote regions. Staff, partners and community volunteers focus their efforts on:  

Perinatal health: the care given before, during and after childbirth, the critical times when most deaths of mothers and babies occur.

Strengthening health systems: everything that improves quality of service in primary care, such as continued training for healthcare workers, improvements in access to water, sanitation and hygiene in health centres, and upgrades to health information systems.  

Digital healthcare: using digital technologies and artificial intelligence to improve the quality of diagnoses and treatment when conducting checkups on pregnant women, children under five and their mothers. 

Our impact in 2023

20+ million checkups

on children with our IeDA digital diagnosis tablet since the project started

3.3 million children and mothers

have received quality healthcare


people have received healthcare training

Can digital technology save lives in Burkina Faso?

To the village with Aissata 

Staff Tdh aidant une femme et son bébé
Aissata Gano
midwife in Kalaké, Mali 

Since being trained, I have resuscitated several babies and dealt with many cases of post-partum haemorrhage. My objective is for women to know the joy of giving life because a child is the most beautiful of all gifts.”  

Neonatal and maternal mortality rates in Mali are among the highest in the world. The maternity unit manager at the Kalaké health centre, Aissata has been enthusiastically following the SIMESON programme (“Simulation of Essential Skills in Obstetric and Neonatal care”), a training course developed by Terre des hommes to overcome the lack of qualified staff in Mali’s rural areas, where there are just 3 trained health workers for every 10,000 inhabitants.  
Read the article about SIMESON


Media library
Courage n°79 - Burkina Faso - Grave crise alimentaire au Sahel
IeDA-maternity: A digital tool to improve the quality of care for mothers and babies
Integrated eDiagnosis Approach (IeDA) for the management of illness in under-five children at the primary health care level in Burkina Faso
Media library

With the support of

Austrian Development Agency (ADA)

Austrian Development Agency

The Austrian Development Agency (ADA) aims to reduce poverty, preserve the environment and promote peace and human security in partner countries. ADA's long-term programmes and projects support self-help to ensure sustainable development.

Go to ADA website
ARCAD Santé Plus


The work of ARCAD SANTE PLUS is based on the community approach, which consists of designing and implementing interventions with the involvement of those most affected.
Go to ARCAD website
Association for Aid and Relief (AAR) Japan

Association for Aid and Relief (AAR) Japan

AAR Japan was founded in 1979 in Japan with the aim of providing assistance to Indochinese refugees. Since then, the organisation has expanded its activities to over 65 countries and regions.
Go to the AAR website
Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (BPRM)

Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM)

The Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) is the humanitarian bureau of the United States Department of State. PRM promotes the interests of the United States by providing protection, alleviating suffering, and resolving the problems of persecuted and forcibly displaced persons around the world.
Go to the PRM website
Caritas Germany

Caritas Germany

Caritas Germany supports relief and rehabilitation during and after disasters, supports (for funding and counselling) social programmes for disadvantaged children, people with disabilities, women's empowerment, the elderly, various other social programmes and peace building activities in Germany and in 165 countries worldwide.
Go to Caritas Germany website
Swiss Solidarity

Swiss Solidarity

Swiss Solidarity is Switzerland's humanitarian fundraising and solidarity system. For Terre des hommes, Swiss Solidarity is one of its most important partners, particularly in the case of natural disasters.

Go to the Swiss Solidarity website


The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) implements the Federal Council's foreign policy on humanitarian aid, development cooperation and cooperation with Eastern Europe and at multilateral level. The SDC focuses its activities on reducing poverty and distress, as well as curbing global risks. It also aims to preserve natural resources for future generations.

Go to the SDC website
Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA)

Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA)

The Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA) is a collaboration of Dutch humanitarian NGOs that aims to improve the effectiveness, reach and quality of humanitarian aid.
Go to Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA) website


The European Commission's Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO) funds relief operations for victims of natural disasters and conflicts outside the European Union.

Go to the ECHO website


Enabel manages development projects on behalf of the Belgian government and other donors. In this way, it contributes to global efforts for sustainable development.

Go to Enabel website
Medicor Foundation

Medicor Foundation

The Medicor Foundation, founded in Liechtenstein, makes a significant contribution to improving the well-being of people in need by supporting concrete projects on the ground.
Go to Medicor Foundation website
The Global Fund

The Global Fund

The Global Fund is an international movement dedicated to overcoming HIV, tuberculosis and malaria and to creating a healthier, safer and more just future for all.
Go to Global Fund Website
Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation

Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation

The foundation supports cultural programmes, including performing arts and museums; Jewish and Israeli charities; hospitals and other health care organisations; and education, especially higher education.
Go to Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation website


The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is a department of the UN Secretariat, established in 1991. It deals with victims of disasters and emergencies, refugee flows and mass displacement.
Go to OCHA website
Renzo und Silvana Rezzonico-Stiftung


The foundation is non-profit and not for profit. The foundation supports institutions whose aim is to protect children and/or the environment, including animals.
Go to Rezzonico-Stiftung page
Tierra de hombres

Tierra de hombres

The Tierra de hombres Foundation Spain supports five development aid programmes in four countries, one in Latin America and the Caribbean (Haiti), two in Africa (Morocco, Mauritania) and one in the Middle East (Jordan).
Go to Tierra de hombres website


UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund: UNICEF works in more than 190 countries and territories to save children's lives, protect their rights and help them reach their potential, from early childhood through adolescence.

Aller au site UNICEF


Unitaid is an international organisation that invests in innovations to prevent, diagnose and treat HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria faster, more affordably and more effectively. Unitaid is a partnership hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Go to the Unitaid website


USAID is the world's leading international development agency and a catalytic force for development results.
Go to the USAID website
World Bank

World Bank

The World Bank, sometimes abbreviated to WB, is an international financial institution that provides loans and other financial support to developing countries for investment projects.
Go to the World Bank website
World Food Programme (WFP)

World Food Programme

WFP is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger by providing food assistance in emergencies and working with communities to improve their nutritional status and build resilience. Each year, WFP provides assistance to 80 million people in nearly 80 countries.
Go to the WFP website
Austrian Development Agency (ADA)

Austrian Development Agency

The Austrian Development Agency (ADA) aims to reduce poverty, preserve the environment and promote peace and human security in partner countries. ADA's long-term programmes and projects support self-help to ensure sustainable development.

Go to ADA website
ARCAD Santé Plus


The work of ARCAD SANTE PLUS is based on the community approach, which consists of designing and implementing interventions with the involvement of those most affected.
Go to ARCAD website
Association for Aid and Relief (AAR) Japan

Association for Aid and Relief (AAR) Japan

AAR Japan was founded in 1979 in Japan with the aim of providing assistance to Indochinese refugees. Since then, the organisation has expanded its activities to over 65 countries and regions.
Go to the AAR website
Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (BPRM)

Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM)

The Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) is the humanitarian bureau of the United States Department of State. PRM promotes the interests of the United States by providing protection, alleviating suffering, and resolving the problems of persecuted and forcibly displaced persons around the world.
Go to the PRM website
Caritas Germany

Caritas Germany

Caritas Germany supports relief and rehabilitation during and after disasters, supports (for funding and counselling) social programmes for disadvantaged children, people with disabilities, women's empowerment, the elderly, various other social programmes and peace building activities in Germany and in 165 countries worldwide.
Go to Caritas Germany website
Swiss Solidarity

Swiss Solidarity

Swiss Solidarity is Switzerland's humanitarian fundraising and solidarity system. For Terre des hommes, Swiss Solidarity is one of its most important partners, particularly in the case of natural disasters.

Go to the Swiss Solidarity website


The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) implements the Federal Council's foreign policy on humanitarian aid, development cooperation and cooperation with Eastern Europe and at multilateral level. The SDC focuses its activities on reducing poverty and distress, as well as curbing global risks. It also aims to preserve natural resources for future generations.

Go to the SDC website
Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA)

Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA)

The Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA) is a collaboration of Dutch humanitarian NGOs that aims to improve the effectiveness, reach and quality of humanitarian aid.
Go to Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA) website


The European Commission's Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO) funds relief operations for victims of natural disasters and conflicts outside the European Union.

Go to the ECHO website


Enabel manages development projects on behalf of the Belgian government and other donors. In this way, it contributes to global efforts for sustainable development.

Go to Enabel website
Medicor Foundation

Medicor Foundation

The Medicor Foundation, founded in Liechtenstein, makes a significant contribution to improving the well-being of people in need by supporting concrete projects on the ground.
Go to Medicor Foundation website
The Global Fund

The Global Fund

The Global Fund is an international movement dedicated to overcoming HIV, tuberculosis and malaria and to creating a healthier, safer and more just future for all.
Go to Global Fund Website
Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation

Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation

The foundation supports cultural programmes, including performing arts and museums; Jewish and Israeli charities; hospitals and other health care organisations; and education, especially higher education.
Go to Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation website


The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is a department of the UN Secretariat, established in 1991. It deals with victims of disasters and emergencies, refugee flows and mass displacement.
Go to OCHA website
Renzo und Silvana Rezzonico-Stiftung


The foundation is non-profit and not for profit. The foundation supports institutions whose aim is to protect children and/or the environment, including animals.
Go to Rezzonico-Stiftung page
Tierra de hombres

Tierra de hombres

The Tierra de hombres Foundation Spain supports five development aid programmes in four countries, one in Latin America and the Caribbean (Haiti), two in Africa (Morocco, Mauritania) and one in the Middle East (Jordan).
Go to Tierra de hombres website


UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund: UNICEF works in more than 190 countries and territories to save children's lives, protect their rights and help them reach their potential, from early childhood through adolescence.

Aller au site UNICEF


Unitaid is an international organisation that invests in innovations to prevent, diagnose and treat HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria faster, more affordably and more effectively. Unitaid is a partnership hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Go to the Unitaid website


USAID is the world's leading international development agency and a catalytic force for development results.
Go to the USAID website
World Bank

World Bank

The World Bank, sometimes abbreviated to WB, is an international financial institution that provides loans and other financial support to developing countries for investment projects.
Go to the World Bank website
World Food Programme (WFP)

World Food Programme

WFP is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger by providing food assistance in emergencies and working with communities to improve their nutritional status and build resilience. Each year, WFP provides assistance to 80 million people in nearly 80 countries.
Go to the WFP website