Children and young people on the move 

Palestine crises humanitaires

Working together for safe migration

Restoring confidence to Bakr, a Syrian refugee in Egypt, and helping him make new friends. Offering support to children and young people such as Kossi aged 12, Kafu, 15, Ifede, 16, Midokpe, 17, and many others on the main West African migration routes thanks to the safe spaces we have set up en route.

At a time when half the displaced people in the world are aged under 18, Terre des hommes is committed to providing support to children and young people before, during and after their migration experience, to protecting and defending their rights while reducing their vulnerability, and fostering their integration and independence, wherever they might be - on migration routes, in refugee camps, or at their destination. 

Our impact in 2023

339,000 children and young people  

supported through their migration experience  

8,690 people 

trained in migration

217,550 children

and members of their communities are now more resilient thanks to psychosocial activities

In the playground with Bakr

Enfant égyptien
Bakr, 13 years old
Syrian refugee in Egypt 

We learn a lot here. My favourite thing is the activities that keep everyone busy. They make the children happy, and at the moment some children have no one to make them happy.” 

A refugee in Egypt with his family, young Bakr fled his war-torn native Syria at the age of four. Nine years have now passed. To help him integrate, Bakr is attending activity programmes organised by Terre des hommes with support from parents, involving games and exercises designed to meet the needs of every refugee child, regardless of their age.  
Read Bakr’s story here 


Media library
Kids abroad: ignore them, abuse them or protect them?
Media library

With the support of

Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (BPRM)

Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM)

The Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) is the humanitarian bureau of the United States Department of State. PRM promotes the interests of the United States by providing protection, alleviating suffering, and resolving the problems of persecuted and forcibly displaced persons around the world.
Go to the PRM website


The European Commission's Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO) funds relief operations for victims of natural disasters and conflicts outside the European Union.

Go to the ECHO website


The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is a department of the UN Secretariat, established in 1991. It deals with victims of disasters and emergencies, refugee flows and mass displacement.
Go to OCHA website


The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) implements the Federal Council's foreign policy on humanitarian aid, development cooperation and cooperation with Eastern Europe and at multilateral level. The SDC focuses its activities on reducing poverty and distress, as well as curbing global risks. It also aims to preserve natural resources for future generations.

Go to the SDC website


UNHCR - The United Nations Refugee Agency is a programme of the United Nations. Its original purpose is to protect refugees, find durable solutions to help them rebuild their lives and ensure the application of the 1951 Geneva Refugee Convention.
Go to UNHCR website


UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund: UNICEF works in more than 190 countries and territories to save children's lives, protect their rights and help them reach their potential, from early childhood through adolescence.

Aller au site UNICEF
U.S. Department of State - Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons

U.S. Department of State - Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons

The TIP office leads the department's overall efforts to combat human trafficking by prosecuting traffickers, protecting victims and preventing human trafficking.
Go to the PRM-TIP Office website
Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (BPRM)

Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM)

The Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) is the humanitarian bureau of the United States Department of State. PRM promotes the interests of the United States by providing protection, alleviating suffering, and resolving the problems of persecuted and forcibly displaced persons around the world.
Go to the PRM website


The European Commission's Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO) funds relief operations for victims of natural disasters and conflicts outside the European Union.

Go to the ECHO website


The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is a department of the UN Secretariat, established in 1991. It deals with victims of disasters and emergencies, refugee flows and mass displacement.
Go to OCHA website


The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) implements the Federal Council's foreign policy on humanitarian aid, development cooperation and cooperation with Eastern Europe and at multilateral level. The SDC focuses its activities on reducing poverty and distress, as well as curbing global risks. It also aims to preserve natural resources for future generations.

Go to the SDC website


UNHCR - The United Nations Refugee Agency is a programme of the United Nations. Its original purpose is to protect refugees, find durable solutions to help them rebuild their lives and ensure the application of the 1951 Geneva Refugee Convention.
Go to UNHCR website


UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund: UNICEF works in more than 190 countries and territories to save children's lives, protect their rights and help them reach their potential, from early childhood through adolescence.

Aller au site UNICEF
U.S. Department of State - Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons

U.S. Department of State - Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons

The TIP office leads the department's overall efforts to combat human trafficking by prosecuting traffickers, protecting victims and preventing human trafficking.
Go to the PRM-TIP Office website