Recruit, welcome and supervise volunteers
Facilitating a community of volunteers
As a volunteer with Terre des hommes in Switzerland, you participate in unique activities, organise innovative events and experience moments of rare emotional intensity.
Discover the specifications!
Volunteer coordinator - want to know more?
- Job description
As a volunteer coordinator, you are responsible for welcoming, supervising and ensuring the well-being of volunteers. You will organise information sessions on the mission of Terre des hommes for new members and ensure their smooth integration into the group. You provide administrative support and participate in fundraising, visibility and awareness-raising activities organised by the volunteer group during the year, as required. You will be in regular contact with the Partnerships and Volunteer Relations team at HQ to define recruitment measures and obtain updates on child relief projects.
- Desired skills
Ability to motivate people, good interpersonal skills, team spirit, good communication skills, organisation, flexibility, work experience with volunteers is an asset.
- Duration of commitment
Flexible according to availability.
Would you like to get involved or have you not found the information you were looking for? Our team will be happy to answer you by e-mail or by phone.