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Lebanon, child protection

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Meet the children we support around the world. See how our Foundation's work is carried out. Listen to the testimonies of our teams in the field and their daily involvement with children and young people. Discover with each of them the challenges to come.  

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Training of Trainers Kit for actors involved in the protection of Children and Youth on the Move
Kit de Formation de Formateur des acteurs de la protection des enfants et jeunes en mobilité
Boîte à outil qualité des services pour des enfants et jeunes en mobilité
Game of Oranges 2022
2022 Virtual Orange Game
2021 Annual Report
2021 Annual Report
War in Ukraine : The first moments of emergency
War in Ukraine: Continuing school in Hungary
War in Ukraine: Continuing school in Hungary
War in Ukraine: welcoming children in a safe place
War in Ukraine: welcoming children in a safe place
Yunnis, 13 years old, Iraq
Yunnis, 13 years old, Iraq
2019: Year in review by Terre des hommes
2019: Year in review by Terre des hommes
Preventing child marriage in Lebanon
Preventing child marriage in Lebanon
War in Ukraine: support for internally displaced families
War in Ukraine: support for internally displaced families