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Lebanon, child protection

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Meet the children we support around the world. See how our Foundation's work is carried out. Listen to the testimonies of our teams in the field and their daily involvement with children and young people. Discover with each of them the challenges to come.  

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Guía para trabajar temas de violencia y promover una cultura de paz
Guia para la Aplicacion del Enfoque Restaurativo en la Justicia Juvenil
Guia de Auto-Formacion Construyendo Oportunidades
El papel de los Medios de Comunicacion en la Justicia Juvenil Restaurativa
Systemic child participation in justice
Climate in-justice for children: How climate crisis affects access to justice and children’s rights
Policy Brief on Justice for Children: Building New Partnerships
Policy Brief on Justice for Children: Smarter Financing
Policy Brief on Justice for Children: Digital Justice
Child-friendly legal aid standards and procedural guidelines in Iraq
Game of Oranges 2022
2022 Virtual Orange Game
2021 Annual Report
2021 Annual Report