Press releases Search: Press items Apply Children in South Lebanon: “I miss the safety of our neighbourhood”. 03.06.2024 Launch of the first online learning course on children's rights in Arabic 02.04.2024 Delivering aid to Gaza: "We are now in the most difficult phase." 14.03.2024 Protect Palestinian children: Terre des hommes calls on world leaders 16.01.2024 Pakistan-Afghanistan border: families are being uprooted 10.11.2023 Gaza: First relief supplies from Terre des hommes arrive 08.11.2023 Afghanistan: Persisting Hopelessness for Girls 05.08.2023 The dual trauma of Syrian children 01.05.2023 COVID-19: Preserving humanitarian access 09.06.2021 "I am very scared, I am waiting to die." 19.05.2021 “I also remember the tank” 12.03.2021 Covid-19: Children in distress 22.04.2020