The trauma of the earthquake
In Syria, the population is once again hit by a tragedy. The human toll of the earthquake is terrible. Houses and infrastructure have been destroyed. "Too many families have been left homeless with their children and have taken refuge in temporary and overcrowded shelters. Everything is missing, from water to food to hygiene products. I have visited places where 200 people share the same toilet! This leads to diseases, epidemics and other major health risks," says Monika Kolomaznikova, head of the Terre des hommes delegation in Syria.
Where your donations go
Directly to children
All of your donation is efficiently used, with 81% allocated to child relief projects and 19% covering administrative expenses such as such as for personnel, infrastructure, accounting, IT, fundraising, and the organisation’s costs incurred to successfully run activities for and with children.
In safe hands
Certified by the ZEWO Foundation, Terre des hommes guarantees the conscientious, careful and honest use of the donations you entrust to us. Another advantage is that your donations are tax-deductible, so every year we will send you a donations statement to include with your tax return.
In a safe place
Your payment data cannot be detected or intercepted or used by third parties. Thanks to our Datatrans payment system and use of the SSL protocol, all transactions are secure and encrypted.